
Lilach volunteers are the backbone of the organization.

Lilach has more than 200 active volunteers, both men and women, who help in all areas of activity and accompany the activities at each site and of the association as a whole.

The children at risk center each have a Lilach volunteer in charge, often a former school principal.

Volunteers receive no salary or pay. Mrs Varda Zakheim the chiarperson, founder and guiding spirit of this organization, has herself been working full-time on a volunteer basis. Moreover, every activity at Lilach (except for the professional staff: social workers, educational teacher, an assistant housemother), work on a completely voluntary basis. Advisors, lawyers, accountants, public relations and other specialists work also pro bono.

In 2013 Lilach volunteers were honored with the Senior Citizens Minister’s Shield in recognition of decades of volunteering for the community, for help given to prisoners in rehab, families in distress, children at risk and the elderly and the special contribution for all.

In 2004 Lilach received an honorary certificate for its participation in the community education, investment of funds, know-how, human resources and the willingness to in the community from the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality. In the year 2000 Lilach volunteers at the Rabin Health Center (Ichilov Hospital) received a certificate from the Minister of Health in honor for extraordinary volunteering. In 1999 the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Mayor’s honorary certificate was given to Lillach for thier work with elderly citizens.

Resulting from this over-all volunteering basis, all donations are directed 100% to Lilach’s activities.

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